Why Have Governments Around the World Allowed the Illegal Trade of Illicit Drugs to Spiral Out of Control?

Question by : Why have governments around the world allowed the illegal trade of illicit drugs to spiral out of control?
What is the appeal with taking drugs, like heroin, ecstasy and cannabis knowing the harm that they cause? As far as I know, kids are taking a plant food product, called Miaow. Why?

Best answer:

Answer by ?
It’s not about ‘allowing’ it, the drugs war is fundamentally unwinnable, as was alcohol prohibition

All it does is gives criminal gangs large amounts of power and money

Drugs taking is a victimless crime and drug dealing is massively profitable, so it will always occur and corrupt the officials who should stop it because people don’t feel guilty about facilitating people getting high. You can’t use force to stop people getting high, they can do it in secret and nobody will report them because it is a victimless crime, it’s unpoliceable, in the UK they only stop 1% of drugs being taken per year despite spending billions!

The only way to manage drugs is legalisation, tax, and education. Experiments have shown in countries such as Portugal that treating as a medical issue not a criminal issue actually reduces use and harm.

What’s the appeal? Have you ever tried drugs? They are fun, and most of them are far less harmful than alcohol


Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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8 Responses to Why Have Governments Around the World Allowed the Illegal Trade of Illicit Drugs to Spiral Out of Control?

  • The CAt in the Tin Foil HAt says:

    Supply and demand

  • Splash Frog ?'s Olga says:

    I don’t comsume narcotics..


    That’s what my cat says.

  • Ricky says:

    They weren’t always illegal and also in many places weed and other drugs are still legal or just becoming legal.

  • DarkKnightDante says:

    governments have let this happen cause they are incapable and focus on other things
    kids take drugs because of social pressure and feeling of depression..that adults have created as NO ONE ever tries to understand how teenagers feel and just get angry..kids think the only way out is suicide or drugs

  • Bast says:

    The US should have learned from Prohibition. They didn’t. The “War on Drugs” is a failure. People use drugs, even when they cause harm, for the same reasons they use things like religion despite the harm it causes. It makes them feel good.

  • Peter says:

    Speaking frankly?

    Because they’re fun. For the most part.

    A lot of drugs are actually more fun than alcohol, which itself is often about going on a sort of “adventure” with your friends.

    Other drugs are even more of an adventure and can involve exploring altered mindstates (which is why those drugs are illegal, they’re deemed to change a person from the way he/she normally is too much and cause hallucinations, psychoactive in other words).

    Most people are stable enough to handle recreational drug use but the problem is there’s too many people who can’t. Who go off the rails or become dangerous or take a drug like LSD while suffering from depression without knowing that the state they’re in is going to be amplified.

    As for miaow, if I remember what I was told 3 years ago in a pub correctly it has the same effect as MDMA on the human body. Which is actually an extremely enjoyable experience.

    I’m not advocating legalisation of drugs (yet), I’m just speaking frankly.

    If I’m to be completely honest with you I think there’s quite a few drugs that shouldn’t be illegal. That should be subject to proper quality control and the rigors of easy medical testing (it’s hard to perform proper experiments with a drug that is illegal. You need to go through a legal minefield).

    I also believe tobacco should be illegal.

    Cannabis can be taken several ways besides smoking with tobacco and with certain strains the memory retention issues that arise while under the influence can be reduced. It also has properties that our bodies find useful. All things considered, it’s healthier than alcohol and FAR healthier than tobacco.
    MDMA is a funny one. You would be stunned at the number of people who have died as a direct result of MDMA. It’s such a small number, should be less than 100 (54 last time I checked a decade ago), however the conditions you put yourself in: dancing for hours straight, can lead to over heating or dehydration.
    Again one of those drugs that could easily be accommodated for if it was legal.
    Cocaine: Hell no, that is illegal and that’s the right status for it, same with heroin.

    As for all the hallucinogenics. Meh. Don’t really see the point in mushrooms being illegal. I had magic mushrooms growing naturally in my back garden and the forest 5 meters from my front door, (remove them, dig up the ground, put new soil down, and next year they’ll still come back in spite of you) at my parents home. LSD? tough one. Mescalline? Again, what’s the point?

    The drugs war is a bit daft if you ask me, a heavy handed attack without much understanding.

  • Steve B says:

    For the Governments, the drugs are a way to control and weaken the population. We didn’t have drugs in Australia until the American military brought it with them during the Vietnam war.

    The appeal of taking drugs is that it gives you an incredible buzz and an intense high, like you get with an orgasm or having an alcoholic drink only more so.

  • Bob W says:

    What does this question have to do with religion and spirituality?

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