Is There Any Way Something Other Than Darvocet-N Would Show Propxyphine on a Drug Test?

Question by april dawn: is there any way something other than darvocet-n would show propxyphine on a drug test?
I was recently asked to resign from my job due to propoxephen showing up in my urine drug screen. I dont take darvocet-N but I do take vicoprophen. My boss said if I can show her proof that it could be anything else causing it to be possitive, she would reconsider. Please someone help.

Best answer:

Answer by distrait_are_you
Vicoprophen will! Both Vicoprophen and Darvocet are narcotics that are very similar to methadone and will test positive for Propoxyphene. Same goes for Vicodin, Norco, Lortab etc… They are all in the same classification however may test positive for opiates and propxyphine.

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One Response to Is There Any Way Something Other Than Darvocet-N Would Show Propxyphine on a Drug Test?

  • Brainiac says:

    Look at the pills you have been taking could it be that your pharmacist or whoever supplies you medicine has given you propoxyphene, they are both narcotic analgesics, so I don’t know what the difference would be for hydrocodone vs. propoxyphene, neither are illegal if prescribed to you and a urine test only shows you have taken it doesn’t mean you took them at work. There are several other drugs which contain Propoxyphene, Darvon, darvocet, Wygesic, propacet. You may want to call the lab to find out what the test showed cause if it showed narcotic the vicoprofen would test positive for narcotic, perhaps propoxyphene was the name your boss remembered from the list of possible Opioids. Hope that helps.

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