Teens on Drugs?

Question by coolshorty_4life: teens on drugs?
what are some of the consequences for teenagers being on drugs and getting high?? what are the side effects? what’s the main influence on teen drug use? what certain age group uses drugs the most and why?

Best answer:

Answer by sharon17
well i believe the number one consequence of teens being on drugs and getting high is DEATH. That is certainly a problem if you plan on actually living past your second decade. Drug abuse kills plain and simple. Even if it doesn’t kill you right away, it kills your brain cells, your plans for a happy life, your relationship with other people, since drugs are your best friend, how do you think you are going to relate to real people?

As far as the main influence on drug use, I think it is the parents of the teen ager. I have a 19 year old and a 17 year old, and neither of them are saints, lol, but neither of them would ever consider abusing drugs. We talked about the problems of drug abuse and they have seen the consequences on friends in their own lives.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Teen Drug Abuse Trends