Can Someone That Has Had Chemotherapy for Colon Cancer (Maybe Stage 3) Help Me…?

Question by Lucy: can someone that has had chemotherapy for colon cancer (maybe stage 3) help me…?
Someone very dear to me has just had a foot of their colon removed with a large tumor and 15 of 18 of the surrounding lymphs showed positive for cancer from the pathology report, now the suggested treatment is 6 months of chemo, 3 days in a row (port surgically implanted) every other week. I have no idea what other kinds of treatments there are, i am just so worried about this regiment, and how hard it is going to be, has anyone gone through this that can help me? I want to know more about the subject so that i can help my loved one through this and help make sure this is the right decision on the chemo. Does chemo make you extremely ill? ANY insight will be much appreciated….

Best answer:

Answer by Kris P
Chemo affects cells that multiply rapidly: cancer cells and cells that are lining your stomach. So that is why chemo patients often have a lack of appetite and feel like throwing up. Chemo makes the person very fatigued, lose their hair, and have altered taste buds. The best way to help get through chemo and help your dear friend is to STAY/ BE POSITIVE, be helpful by helping them with things (only if they want…some are very sensitive to the fact that they have chemo and actually need help…depends on the person, so just be careful and sensitive), and making sure that they eat and get proper nutrition, and that they take their medication on time and as prescribed. Also allowing them to talk out their problems. I don’t recommend being sad along with them. Just be attentive and let them spill their guts. Also try to provide hope, and a positive atmosphere as much as you can. Thanks

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