Christian Drug Rehab
Christian Drug Rehab – Christian Drug Rehab – Finding faith and hope in Christian addiction recovery. (877) 231-1827 Christian drug rehab gave Philip hope. Before entering The Recovery Place, Philip had struggled with abuse of painkillers and cocaine addiction for nine years. Entering our Christian Drug Rehabilitation program has given Philip his hope back, and has helped him rekindle his faith in God. Combining traditional therapies with faith-based treatment, our Christian drug program has helped Philip reach his 50th day being drug-free. By participating in our addiction program’s Bible-study group three times a week, Philip feels he has brought his relationship with God back into the forefront of his life. Therapy sessions also include discussions from teachings in the Bible, as fellow recovering addicts decide how they can use their faith in specific ways to strengthen their new tools for avoiding relapse in the future. Philip fell away from his religious faith as his life was torn apart by addiction. By choosing TRP’s Christian drug rehabilitation program in Fort Lauderdale, Philip feels he is taking part in the most effective course of treatment for his addiction problems.
This Week in Biotech
Filed under: free drug treatment programs
The biotech equivalent of Superman since the year began, Celgene (NASDAQ: CELG ) , notched another victory on its belt when the FDA approved its multiple myeloma drug, Pomalyst, yesterday. Pomalyst is given as a secondary line of treatment following at …
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Clamping down on prescription painkiller abuse
Filed under: free drug treatment programs
William Cope Moyers, a vice-president of the Hazelden Foundation, a drug treatment facility, said: "We are the most overly-prescribed nation in the world." He said doctors … Kimberly is in treatment at Phoenix House and has been drug-free for eight …
Read more on CBS News
Springsteen Honored in Warm-Up to the Grammys
Filed under: free drug treatment programs
One free lesson. One hour. And a ride in the sidecar of my Harley Davidson. So dig in, you 1 percenters!” The bidding started to escalate rapidly as the crowd, which included some of Los Angeles's most affluent families, roared with laughter. As the …
Read more on New York Times (blog)
How one London church is winning the war on drugs
Filed under: free drug treatment programs
But rather than checking into a traditional rehab centre, his route to the drugs free life he enjoys today began in 2000 from a source that completely surprised him – prayer. Although … Participants are also taught life skills and are given support …
Read more on The Voice Online