Christian Drug Rehab Program Is the Solution for Drug Addiction
Christian Drug Rehab Program is The Solution for Drug Addiction – Drug addiction can be devastating in so many ways. Don’t let drug addiction dictate your life. This is your time to take control and overcome your addiction. By overcoming your addiction you will be the one behind the reins again you will have full control of your life. If you are living a life under the influence, its a life being wasted. Life is beautiful and as human beings god gives so many opportunities to embrace it, succeed, and achieve all our goals and dreams.
Light on a Hill builds an entrepreneurship program, rebuilds women's lives …
Filed under: christian drug rehab
She'd been in and out of rehab for seven years, and it never had worked. Karolyn found a … Most residents are single moms who committed drug-related crimes, such as theft or prostitution. The ministry … Bird became a Christian 30 years ago. She has …
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Activists work to break down drug, HIV stigma
Filed under: christian drug rehab
The executive director of the association, Elie Aaraj, said breaking through those boundaries can be difficult but they need to come down so drug and disease prevention services like needle exchanges, detox and rehab centers can reach the hundreds of …
Read more on The Daily Star
The girls who fled a life of sex slavery
Filed under: christian drug rehab
The best-known image of child soldiers is of drug-crazed teenage boys brandishing Kalashnikovs. They are the ones reporters meet at roadblocks. But deep in … Next comes their rehabilitation, education and possible community reintegration. Now, in the …
Read more on The Independent