Alcohol Treatment | Ashtabula Drug Rehab & Detox Helpline
Alcohol Treatment | Ashtabula Drug Rehab & Detox Helpline – Watching a loved-one suffer from a drug or alcohol addiction can be a helpless feeling. Thousands of people across Ohio struggle with substance abuse on a da…
Hypnosis for Addiction
Hypnosis For Addiction – Hypnosis For Addiction Lisa Machenberg talks with a client about her struggles and achievements in recovery from alcohol abuse, and how hypnotherapy has been…
What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Drug Abuse?
Question by Lemy: what are the advantages and disadvantages of drug abuse?
i need it for my assignment today….please…thank you…what makes it advantage?
Best answer:
Answer by Sam
advantages: its fun
disadvantages: it can kill you
Add your own answer in the comments!
New Social Security Disability Rules Regarding Drug & Alcohol Addiction – In this video Marc Whitehead, Board Certified Social Security Disability Attorney, discusses the new Social Security Disability rules regarding Drug & alcoho…
Book Addiction Vlog #4
Book Addiction Vlog #4 – (June 12, 2013) Hey guys, so this is kind of like an update for last week and a reason why I haven’t uploaded any videos for that week. Hope you enjoy! Comme…
Family Members With Gambling Addiction.?
Question by Knowledge is Power: Family Members with Gambling Addiction.?
I have at least 3 family members with a gambling addiction. They believe that it is possible to win big. They have been going for the past couple of years and I do not know when they will stop. Many of them live with other family members and actually have decent paying jobs. One of those people is my mom and it’s sad to see her go there and have high hopes. She does not see the big picture and it really makes me angry to see her like that because she is poor and can not afford to go. I wish casinos were illegal because they do more harm than good to the people that go. Casinos are not fair and only cause people to become addicts. I do not know what to do for my mom and I can not help her see the logic behind it. I am a math person and try to tell them that their chances of winning is slim and that they will lose more than they win overtime. Casinos should be banned or they should have a better pay out. I know it is their choice to go but the Casino is set up so that people believe they will win and they do not care if you lose your home or break up your family. What would you do? How do you feel about Casinos?
I believe the casino does try to trick people with their flashy lights and incentives to keep addicts coming back. I my opinion I feel there is a limited amount of people that go to the casino for entertainment. The main reason people go is to win and win big which is not the case. Only people that have money to spare and spend can say it entertainment because no reasonable or logical person will keep going because their chances of winning is slim and who would say losing money is fun. NOT I.
ADHD Prescription Drug Abuse: Teens!
ADHD Prescription Drug Abuse: Teens! – ADHD Prescription Drug Abuse: Teens! Ashley, a College student is interviewed by Dr. Charles Shinaver about prescription drug abuse at college. Is Adderall A…