Differentiate Drug Abuse From Dependence?
Question by : Differentiate Drug Abuse From Dependence?
Best answer:
Answer by Camo
Drug abuse is taking more than you need to get high.
Dependence is doing it the next day against reason. The drug tells you to.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Alcohol & Drug Abuse-Get Help Now – http://turningpointrc.com/ Alcohol & drug abuse, get help now. Talk with a professional counselor now. 505-217-1717. Turning Point Recovery Center, Albuquerq…
Possible Drug Abuse?
Question by Beth66: possible drug abuse?
If a man becomes involved with a woman from his past where there were numerous legal problems (criminal) and drug abuse and his behavior changes dramatically is it possible there is a drug connection again? He dropped all of his friends, his professional training as an athlete and started chronic lying. He had episodes of bizarre behavior also.
Best answer:
Answer by Pam H
Quite possible.
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Vivitrol and Addiction
Vivitrol and Addiction – Dr. Annette Bosworth teaches patients how Vivitrol can help with relapse prevention.
Alcohol Treatment | Beacon Drug Rehab & Detox Helpline
Alcohol Treatment | Beacon Drug Rehab & Detox Helpline – Since we do not provide drug or alcohol treatment in Beacon, NY, those struggling with drug or alcohol addiction should contact our referral line for help as soon as possible. Substance abuse…
How to Overcome a Food Addiction?
Question by Sara: How to overcome a food addiction?
I’m an 18 year old female and I’ve struggled with food addiction since I was a child. I know how to diet and I know what foods and it what quantities I need to be eating to lose weight, but towards the end of the day I just can’t seem to help snacking. I really want to lose the last 20 or 30 pounds that I need, but I need some tips or something for distracting myself from grazing. I don’t know if it’s an oral fixation or what, but if anyone can give me some pointers on avoiding snacking towards the end of the day. Thanks!
What Is a Good Online Source of Drug Addiction Help.?
Question by : What is a good online source of drug addiction help.?
Are there any good narcotics recovery forums online
Best answer:
Answer by Beautiful Lifexo
go to medhelp.org im on there myself im struggeling with addiction myself. been about 6 to 7 months friday i start detox with suboxin.. your best bet is finding a confidential place that will help you detox. i have to withdrawl today tomorrow and i go in friday at 7am wich only these 2 days i feel like im going to go crazy.I have bi polar and the only thing that helps me cope is narcotics or opiod… they work better then my anti depressents seriouslyi hope this suboxin workss the only reason im going to take it is because its getting hard for me to find my narcotics and im becomming a fien so if this suboxin works for me i hope they let me stay on it…