HIV Shoots Up
HIV shoots up – Strict laws on the criminalisation of drug use and drug users are fuelling the spread of HIV and other serious harms associated with the criminal market and should be reviewed, say experts. In this video, epidemiologist Elizabeth Pisani and other leading commentators describe which countries are leading the way in tackling HIV infection among injecting drug users.
My Indiana: 4-H shapes a life
Filed under: Drug Use Indiana
Eli Lilly says the jury is still out on a late-stage Alzheimer's drug it's developing, but Wall…- 6:35 pm. Employers post the most …. talent, as all good 4-H leaders do. Over the course of nine years, 4-H helped shape my outlook and hone the skills …
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Antidrug coalition progresses
Filed under: Drug Use Indiana
Tommy Koopman, Coalition for a Drug-Free Greater Cincinnati local coalition development manager for outlying areas, who led the meeting, was alarmed at the lifetime use of heroin by Batesville High School students reported in the 2011 Indiana …
Read more on Batesville Herald Tribune