Is There Any Drug Treatment Programs Available in Rosholt, South Dakota?

Question by martha: Is there any drug treatment programs available in Rosholt, South Dakota?
I’m looking for a list of different drug treatment programs in Rosholt, South Dakota because I want my cousin Nick to undergo treatment. He has been addicted to crystal meth for almost a year now and I know that I have to intervene with his addiction. Please help me find a great drug treatment program that will help Nick recover from all of this madness. Please, please… I’m his only hope.

Best answer:

Answer by MicheLLe
Find an Alcohol and Drug Rehab Center
Find an alcohol and drug rehab program or an addiction treatment center. Recovery Connection offers live help 24/7. Get into an alcoholism and drug addiction treatment clinic today.

South Dakota (SD)
South Dakota (SD) addiction treatment centers local phone numbers

RAPID CITY (605) 341-3772
SIOUX FALLS (605) 332-2366

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