Pigeon Toe Correction Treatment for Children | 508-545-3200 | Natick MA | Pigeon Toed Feet Problems


Pigeon Toe Correction Treatment for Children | 508-545-3200 | Natick MA | Pigeon Toed Feet Problems – Pigeon Toed Treatment Correction for Children in Natick, MA. Call 508-545-3200 to get treatment to correct yours or your children’s pigeon toe feet. Pigeon t…


5 Responses to Pigeon Toe Correction Treatment for Children | 508-545-3200 | Natick MA | Pigeon Toed Feet Problems

  • ncvining says:

    I would say this: 1. No study has ever shown a link between intoeing and
    knee or back pain. So while those issues may coexist in the same person, it
    is important not to confuse correlation with causation (i.e. I have back
    pain and brown hair, and so does my father. But one is not causative of the
    other even though they are coexistant). 2. Multiple studies have shown that
    the normal progression of limb alignment in a growing child is not affected
    by external devices or special exercises.

  • exo teric says:

    So what do you say to a person who has an 8 year old child who has this
    condition and struggles to find comfortable shoes, trips frequently
    (suffers injuries due to tripping), and has pain in his knees and back
    (he’s fit).

  • ncvining says:

    (continued) so even if you felt the need to influence, such interventions
    have been shown to be ineffective. 3. Intoeing of up to 10 degrees is
    considered a variation of normal and causes no issues in the VAST majority.
    However, SOME patients after age 8-10 will have more severe, persistent
    intoeing that does cause functional issues like tripping, cosmetic
    concerns, etc. In those patients, there are effective surgical procedures
    that work very well and are well tolerated….

  • ncvining says:

    Please be aware that this “treatment” is unnecessary. In-toeing is a
    harmless and normal part of limb development in children. It resolves on
    its own without intervention and does not result in any harm. The reason
    that no-one else offered this family treatment is that no treatment is
    necessary. This “treatment” is only mimicing normal growth and development.
    I’m sure no harm was intended, but do not waste time or money “treating”
    this normal childhood variation.

  • ncvining says:

    (continued)… However, the limb alignment continues to change up until
    about age 8-10, so you don’t actually know where you’ll end up before then.
    So correcting it earlier is usually ill advised because you’d be
    “correcting” an issue that has not yet reached its natural conclusion. Thus
    you might inadvertently under- or over- correct.

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