Can I Go to Rehab if I Am Not a Drug Addict or Alcoholic?
Question by bre: Can I go to rehab if i am not a drug addict or alcoholic?
Im 14 and i have a bad addiction….but not drugs or alchohal so can i still go to a rehab? in Florida
how about cutting
Best answer:
Answer by J B
First, it depends what the addiction happens to be. Next, if it is an unusual addiction, then there may be only a few places that have people trained to treat your particular addiction. You have to go for treatment where there are professionals trained in your specific addiction.
Why Are More & More “Christians” Becoming Dependent on Illegal Drugs & Alcohol?
Question by velvet kisses: Why are more & more “Christians” becoming dependent on illegal drugs & alcohol?
Best answer:
Answer by Dave R
Are more becoming dependent, or is there just more awareness of it now. It’s possible that more Christians feel like they can admit their problem these days rather than hiding it.
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recovered drug addict testimony – recovered drug addict testimony. Here is a part of our AYCN Christian Network service held at “Living Water” church on June 9th 2013. God is doing amazing th…
Drug Slang, I Need Some Informational Sites for Them?
Question by Life Is Beautiful at Sixx: A.M.: Drug slang, I need some informational sites for them?
Now don’t get all worked up over the stupid question title… I’m not a drug addict, don’t know any, and will never be a drug addict… I just don’t want this question to be deleted, so I can get information I need…
I’m writing a short story for my English class. There is one scene of a drug deal going on. My teacher recommended I use drug slang words for a better effect. I’m searching the internet for sites, but they go in the opposite direction… they give the slang, and show the real word.
What I need, is to type the name of the drug (i.e. heroin or pot) and get slang words.
Opening a Drug Rehab Clinic?
Question by Von: Opening a drug rehab clinic?
A friend of mine recently got arrested as a drug addict and now that he’s in jail has decided to fix his life and that he wants to help others with his same problem by opening a rehab clinic. So please help me out so I can get the information to him on what makes a good clinic, how do you get one started and get the word out, also what about federal funding and getting money. He’s in jail and certainly doesn’t have the cash to do it by himself, also what do you need as far as approval byt the state and what kind of liscenses do you need. basically I’d like to know anything you can tell me to help make this happen, thanks
Is Patrick Kennedy an Alcoholic or a Drug Addict?
Question by Barney the Gerbil: Is Patrick Kennedy an alcoholic or a drug addict?
Best answer:
Answer by Lt. dan taylor
its ok………..he has tiger blood
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Chosen Generation Of Jesus Christ.NGO in Ghana,Help Drug addicts in Africa.Out reach,Evangelisim – Pastor Daniel Cobi Washington a Swedish citizen, born in Ghana, Accra. I was led by Jesus Christ our Lord to return home and to help the drug addicts and the…
Is It Possible That a Drug Addict Don’t Have HIV Virus?
Question by mikado: is it possible that a drug addict don’t have HIV virus?
Best answer:
Answer by michael.sahimi
yes…being a drug addict has nothing to do w/ getting that particular disease
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Will Maine lead the way in importing prescription drugs? – Maine employers and consumers say that importing prescription pharmaceuticals from foreign mail-order pharmacies saves them a lot of money– and legislators …