drug addiction

Online Outpatient Addiction Treatment Program for Alcoholism, Drug Addiction, & Addictive


Online Outpatient Addiction Treatment Program for Alcoholism, Drug Addiction, & Addictive – Addiction Treatment Program, Herbal Formula’s, Addiction Recovery Evaluations, and other Addiction Therapy resources available at: . Online Outpatient Addict…


12 Step Program Florida – AA, Alcohol and Drug Addiction Help in South Florida


12 Step Program Florida – AA, Alcohol and Drug Addiction Help in South Florida – http://riseuprecovery.com – A person living in in South Florida, needs guidance and help to successfully achieve becoming sober. The process starts with an i…



Question by runeknight94: DANGERS OF DRUG ABUSE?
i am trying to write a report well more like i have to write a report on the dangers of drug abuse and there are some topics they want me to cover like

The Physical and Emotional Affects of Drug Addiction

Historical and current rehabilitation practices.

Both legal and illegal drugs

and i couldn’t find any websites that could help me or that i thought would help me and i was wondering if you could post some websites that might help. or if you could tell me some stuff about the topics ? oh and if some ones does it for me they will get 5/5 best answer lol na not really thanks
Oh this is for a 500 word report just to let yall no 🙂

Recognizing Alcohol & Drug Addiction : How to Help an Addict


Recognizing Alcohol & Drug Addiction : How to Help an Addict – How to help an addict with their addiction in this free home health video. Expert: rivrsurvivor Bio: John DePalma, born and raised in, Queens, NY, has been a…


How Come Medicines Are Needed for Drug Addiction Treatment?

Question by clara ic: How come medicines are needed for drug addiction treatment?
I don’t really get what the medications are for.

Best answer:

Answer by citlaly a
In a nutshell, medications help a lot in drug addiction treatment. They help in suppressing withdrawal symptoms. Having symptoms of withdrawal is mainly what makes it hard for a patient to quit doing drugs on his own. Thus, medication that will be able to free the person from these symptoms would matter much. Another reason why medicines are needed for addiction treatment is because it brings the patient’s brain functioning back to normal. It also restores the body to its healthy state.

Fictional Book or Movie About Drug Addiction?

Question by Emily A: Fictional book or movie about drug addiction?
Looking for a good book about drug addiction, preferably about a guy? Not a memoir or autobiography or anything, strictly fictional. Badass perhaps? And downward spiraling depression and all that good drama stuffs, ha. Any suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by Kiwi!
Candy by Luke Davies
Candy by Kevin Brooks (this one is about a girl though)

Give your answer to this question below!