Is This Moral Cartels Use Kids to Breach U.S. Border?
Question by THE GREATEST GODDESS JILL: Is this moral Cartels use kids to breach U.S. border?
Drug cartel members are using a variety of fronts and subterfuges – from fake tamale stands to child decoys – to gather intelligence about enhanced U.S. border security and exploit weaknesses to send in people and drugs, according to a new report obtained by The Washington Times.
The findings, by the U.S. Army’s Asymmetric Warfare Group, underline the growing threat to U.S. security from a porous border. Mexican drug cartels continue to probe for gaps in border defenses while fighting one another and Mexican authorities in a violent conflict that has killed more than 7,000 people in Mexico since the beginning of 2008. U.S. authorities also worry that terrorist groups could exploit vulnerabilities in border security.
Is There a Drug/ Alcohol Rehab Treatment for Atheists?
Question by Richard: Is there a drug/ alcohol rehab treatment for atheists?
Do they all involve a “higher power”?
I am just trying to help my wife. I am just thinking about her right now and what she would respond to.
I think alcohol and drug addiction should be treated from the inside out. If you don’t love yourself you can’t love anything else including God.
Best answer:
Answer by .
Yes and no..
But do you really think there is nothing more poweful than you.
Google zeitgeist.
What do you think? Answer below!
Alcohol Treatment Jacksonville | Drug and Alcohol Rehab
Alcohol Treatment Jacksonville | Drug and Alcohol Rehab – Alcohol an drug addiction can affect anyone, and once you are dependent on drugs or alcohol it can be very hard to kick it without help. Alcohol Treatment Ja…
Any Recommendations for “addiction” Books?
Question by auseralostsoul: Any recommendations for “addiction” books?
I like to read books about drug addiction, eating disorders, everything relating to that. 🙂 Has anyone read any really good books like Go Ask Alice, Cut, any of them?
Best answer:
Answer by patriotnutrients
snowblind is a classic story about the cocaine culture and one man’s descent into it.. if you are looking for a book about how to get out of an addiction problem, then check out jack trimpey’s “rational recovery”
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Drug Addiction : How to Help Someone With a Meth Addiction
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Drug Addiction & Prison Sentences?
Question by Free Thinker: Drug addiction & prison sentences?
There is a young man that I know who has been addicted to crack cocaine for a long time. He went to prison nearly 4 years ago, was just released to a work release program then with the intense pressure put on him to obtain employment under very stringent regulations and in a very depressed economy along with the fact that his mother is dying a very horrible death, he requested to be sent back to his previous facility to serve the remainder of his sentence. That request was rejected, 2 days later he obtained crack and got high out of desperation. He was caught and sent back to prison. Now the dept of corrections wants to charge him with up to 15 years for possession on a correctional facility.
He is in solitary confinement for 150 days which in my opinion is cruel and unusual punishment.