drug addiction

Can Someone List Hotlines for Marijuana Use?

Question by Kyle9211: can someone list hotlines for marijuana use?
i need to find about 10 hotlines for a school project that help people who have problems with marijuana

Best answer:

Answer by ezgoin92
National Drug Abuse Hotline

National Alcohol and Substance Abuse Information Call Center

Washington State Marijuana Hotline
1-800-388-GROW (4769)

Drug Addiction Referral Hotline

National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI)

Teen Problem Hotline 800 398-7340

What do you think? Answer below!



Drug Rehab Programs in Middletown Township NJ | Call 800-303-2938 for Inquiries


Drug Rehab Programs in Middletown Township NJ | Call 800-839-1682 For Inquiries – Drug Rehab Programs in Middletown Township NJ – Call 800-839-1682 For Inquiries If your loved one is engage in drug addiction, there is no better way to help…


Does Drug Addiction Run in Your Family?

Question by babyphatlove0707: Does Drug Addiction Run In Your Family?
Hey all, I was sitting here wondering about drug and alcohol addicted people and their children. They say that if your parent’s are/were addicts than you are considerably more likely to become one as well.
Do you guys agree?
Do you have anyone in your family that is/was addicted to something? Do you think it made you or someone else in your family become an addict, too, just by being related?

In my family it turns out that it was true for us. Lot’s of alcoholics in my family, and it sort of passed down through the ages.

Narcotic Drug Addiction.?

Question by Dead man inc: Narcotic drug Addiction.?
Hey i need help i’m having problems with my pain pills i take oxycoden.I recently noticed i’m getting addicted to them ive been take two with in 4 hours when it should be one every 4 hours.I’m only 15 and its the only pain pill that works i dont want them to change it.ive taken dozens of other pills nothing works.What would be the best way to deal with this?

Best answer:

Answer by Oreo Schmoreo
Please talk to someone you can trust about this problem. It will not get better on its own. The sooner you seek help, the easier it’s going to be.

Help Stop Drug Addiction?

Question by Toddzilla: Help Stop Drug Addiction?
Any advice would be apprciated.. I am attending NA and AA nightly including an IOP program and still find it extremely difficult to stop using… my wife and job have dissapeared and I having nothing else to loose still cant stop… I am so confused and heartbroken and hope someone has something I am missing…..

Best answer:

Answer by eljefe3030
You may need to go to an inpatient program. If you have too much free, unstructured time, it’s going to be very difficult to stop using. You need to be around recovering addicts as much as possible. You need to go through your withdrawal and then work a program of recovery, whether it be 12-step programs, another spiritual practice, or whatever.

Today Show: Phoenix House Client Talks Women and Prescription Drug Addiction


Today Show: Phoenix House Client Talks Women and Prescription Drug Addiction – Opiate overdose deaths are skyrocketing among women, according to a new study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Suzette, a Phoenix House cli…


Invisible Epidemic: Prescription Drugs Cause Most Overdoses

Filed under: prescription drug addiction

The C-D-C reports that 60 percent of drug overdoses, more than 22,000, were caused by prescription drugs. The majority of those deaths—around 75 percent— involved prescription opiates such as Oxycodone and Hydrocodone. The problem has become so …
Read more on WSAV-TV