drug addiction

Oklahoma Employment Commission Benefits?

Question by Melissa S: Oklahoma Employment Commission Benefits?
I was terminated for not showing up for work. I was a supervisor/juvenile detention officer and was battling a drug addiction to prescription pills after a long medical history of chronic pain. I was attempting to detox myself and was not having any success. I have just left the rehab program 3 months later. My finances are in ruin as my husband depended on my income to make ends meet. I have been home two weeks and no job yet, mostly because we live in a tiny town where rumors tend to fly and being that I am fresh from rehab and no one knew I had a problem. Is there any hope in me receiving unemployment benefits until I can find a job? Is it worth my time? What are the laws about this?

Can You Voluntarily Take a Drug Test in Washington State?

Question by sweetsobersacrifice: Can you voluntarily take a drug test in Washington state?
My boyfriend has a history of drug addiction and though he says he’s quit I think he’s still using. I want to know if it’s possible to volunteer to take some sort of drug test, or if it has to be court-ordered or something. Thanks in advance for answers

Best answer:

Answer by Hannah M
You can buy drug screening kits at Walgreens

What do you think? Answer below!



How Do I Get Help With Fighting Drug Addiction in Oklahoma?

Question by : How do i get help with fighting drug addiction in Oklahoma?

Best answer:

Answer by TexHabs
AA is more for alcohol but there should be an equivalent group for drugs.
Best of luck ridding yourself of such dependency, you have my support.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Tulsa OK Treatment Center Call (855) 912-7867 Rehab Treatment Center Tulsa Oklahoma – Call Now (855) 912-7867 http://drugstreatmentrehab.com/ Alcohol Addiction Treatment Rehab for Liquor and Drugs Picking the therapy center that would most eff…


Christian Drug Rehab Program- a Life Free From Drug Addiction


Christian Drug Rehab Program- A Life Free From Drug Addiction – http://transformationstreatment.com/blog/ Drug Addiction can really take a strangle hold on your life. Your success, your hard work, everything you fought so…


Oklahoma puts priority on aiding kids taken from drug houses

Filed under: free drug treatment programs

… where drugs were routinely used or sold. In 2011, the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control launched an initiative to revive the state's priority on drug-endangered children after witnessing the rise in meth labs over the last …
Read more on Tulsa World


why government should and should not? i need the pros and cons?

Best answer:

Answer by Argus Tuft
If you shout a little louder, someone is bound to hear you!

Add your own answer in the comments!



Drug Rehabilitation My wife’s story. – Drug Rehab wife story Number 4 In this video you can see the drug addiction struggles of a wife as she tried to save her man. http//drugrehabus.org http://yo…


What Are Some Drug Addiction Centers in Orlando Florida?

Question by Justin N: what are some drug addiction centers in orlando florida?

Best answer:

Answer by itsjunglepat
Bridges of America- one in a very bad area of Orlando and one in Sanford. These are on court-ordered only basis for non-violent criminals.
Veterans’ service which can be contacted thru the Winter Park outpatient clinic.
Center for Drug Free Living – CDFL- detox & rehab center, the best program that I know of, but space & wait times can be difficult to impossible to endure.. not to mention the irony of having an ABC liquor store across the street from the detox center.
There’s a few other limited-time livein facilities, some being religious in orientation. Recovery House in Sanford- men only, Christian based 407-323-5857-one year commitment
There are numerous counseling centers.
CDFL should be able to give you more detailed info.