How to Help a Family Member Deal With Drug Addiction and Depression?
Question by beauty talks: How to help a family member deal with drug addiction and depression?
my father has been dealing with marriage problems and turned to serious drugs, he’s depressed and knows that he has a problem. When i look at him i see him sad and dealing with it and i want to help him, i dont want him to feel alone, i want to be able to be there for him and help him i just dont know how or what to say.
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Whats a Good Rehab Center in Texas or Near Albuquerque, New Mexico?
Question by johnsonbeth77: Whats a good rehab center in texas or near albuquerque, new mexico?
Best answer:
Answer by Nurse Zanne
Albuquerque Rehabilitation Center
Call this toll free number, this center deals with alcohol and drug addiction.
The first step is to ask for help, your taking that first step. Good for you
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Alcohol Treatment Drug Rehab Center Union –
How Serious Is a Juvenile Drug Paraphernalia Charge?
Question by : How serious is a juvenile drug paraphernalia charge?
Last night me and a friend were by some baseball fields getting ready to smoke pot. My friend started packing a bowl and hit it and handed it to me but a car started coming towards us and it turned out being the popo, so he came up and smelled the car and searched it and my friend handed the officer his two bowls and his 0.2 grams left that he had and I had a bowl with resign only inside so the cop arrested us both on drug paraphernalia charges and I was wondering what all my consequences could be since ill have to go to court soon and were both 16 and live in Illinois.
What Does This Quote Mean to You ?
Question by Bobbi_boo: what does this quote mean to you ?
Reflection Quote: Alan I. Leshner, Director of the National Institute of Drug Abuse, defines drug addiction as:
“Drug addiction is uncontrollable, compulsive drug seeking and use, even in the face of negative health and social consequences.”
Merriam-Webster defines uncontrollable as being free from control by a superior authority. It also defines a compulsion as an irresistible, persistent impulse or obsession.
What does Alan I. Leshner’s definition of drug addiction mean to you both as a driver responsible for your own actions and as a driver sharing the road with other cars, pedestrians, and cyclists?
What Are the Drugs Used for Addiction Treatment?
Question by blair a: What are the drugs used for addiction treatment?
I am especially interested in those that are used to counter heroin addiction. I do know about methadone, but aside from that, what other drugs are used?
Best answer:
Answer by colleen_li
The other kinds of medications used for the treatment of heroin addiction are: naltrexone, naloxone (used in cases of overdose), and buprenorphine, among others. Buprenorphine is fairly new, but it seems to be an appealing alternative to methadone since the effect of just a single injection can last for up to 6 weeks. Keep in mind, though, that medications alone won’t be enough treatment for heroin addicts. They also need therapy, counseling, and even rehabilitation.
Looking for a Inpatient Alcohol Program for People on Medi-Cal?
Question by bella: Looking for a inpatient alcohol program for people on medi-cal?
My son recieves a social security check and has med-cal insurance.We live in Fullerton Calif.
Best answer:
Answer by stick man
I’m on the kansas version Medicaid. I have never used it though. Does his booklet that came with Medi-cal list the drug treatment programs? Or could his social security worker tell you who would take him for rehab? In the KS book there was a short list of who would treat drug/alcohol abuse.