drug addiction

I’m Seeking a Quality Alcoholic Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Located in a Good Area of Las Vegas.?

Question by Michelle: I’m seeking a quality alcoholic inpatient rehabilitation facility located in a good area of Las Vegas.?
I’m looking to get my mom into a rehab in Las Vegas. Does anybody know of a good inpatient rehab center within the $ 600-$ 1000 per month price range? It must be located in a good area, and the center must also treat alcoholism (as opposed to solely drug addiction). Thanks so much in advance! I need to find one ASAP.

Best answer:

Answer by banananose_89117
Check out Spring Mt Treatment facilities, there are several that deal with drugs and alcohol and some by age group

Drug Addiction : How to Spot a Meth Addict


Drug Addiction : How to Spot a Meth Addict – Spotting a meth addict can typically be done by noticing telltale signs such as missing teeth, acne breakouts and picking at the skin. Discover how to spot a…


Where Is a Really Small Redneck Country Back Woods Town in Central Florida? Please Answer Asap!?

Question by : Where is a really small Redneck Country back woods Town in Central Florida? Please answer asap!?
I am needing to move out of the town im in now in a Florida due to a Drug addiction I have just gottan back from rehab and before it gets really bad again I Really need to move away ASAP but I dont have much money, and if i move i wanna move to a REALLY Small Country Redneck Town in Central Florida. Please help me out. Thank You.

Best answer:

Answer by Nora

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Southern California Free Rehab Centers?

Question by Brian: Southern California Free Rehab Centers?
Hello All,
I am finally done flushing my life down the toilet and need some help. Does anybody know of a Rehab Center in Southern California that provides services free of charge. I have previously attended the Salvation Army and was hoping to find some alternatives.


Best answer:

Answer by DeAnne
I don’t know of any free ones, but you could contact United Way; they know all resources.
The brain is a very complicated and delicate thing. It can get messed up and be unable to produce any or enough serotonin. This is called a chemical imbalance which is easily treated, very common and nothing to be ashamed of.

I Am Looking for Residential Drug/alchohol Rehabs in TN – Near Mountains.?

Question by Kathy S: I am looking for residential drug/alchohol rehabs in TN – near mountains.?
For continued treatment for 19 year old son with primary drug addiction needs a residential program to add onto his acute care setting

Best answer:

Answer by nightevisions

This site lists drug treatment centers by state.

Best of luck to you.

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Residential Treatment Programs for Addiction Recovery from Sierra Tucson – Sierra Tucson treatment center is familiar for providing the safe, successful, and supportive treatment programs for those who are struggling with addiction …

My 19 Year Old Son Is a Heroine Addict While I’m Still Paying Child Support NJ?

Question by Kimoko: My 19 year old son is a heroine addict while I’m still paying child support NJ?
My 19 year old son is a heroine addict while I’m still paying child support . I don’t have custody of my child, but i pay child support for him to begin community college. Obviously, he can’t continue school under his conditions. So does anyone know if there is a way for me to legally stop paying child support in order to have money to help my child get into a good rehab center. The amount of child support i’m paying prohibits me from fully supporting my son. Is there anyway i can bring his heroine addiction to court for a reason to stop paying child support.I live in NJ.
Please refrain from complaining about the child support cutoff being at age eighteen in your state. It is simply not the same case in NJ.
I was never married to the mother of my son, so there were no divorce decree’s to look upon.
My son needs help which he can find at a rehabilitation center, and he’s wasting time ” going to college.” ( he’s only attended twice.)