The Faces of Drug Addiction
The Faces of Drug Addiction – No one is immune to the evils of drug addiction, whether it’s a friend, a family member, or a neighbor. In this story we introduce you to two young men who you would never think would be recovering drug addicts, and it all started with the over-the-counter pain killers. To learn more about Addiction Recovery please go to To learn more about the Le Mont Michel recovery home or to schedule a tour call 801-733-4472
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Marijuana Addiction Treatment and Recovery
Marijuana Addiction Treatment and Recovery – Get Marijuana addiction Help now !
Medical marijuana debated – scare tactics or valid warning
Filed under: marijuana addiction help
“There is no restriction whatsoever on these marijuana treatment centers, where they ought to go,” said Sen. John Keenan, D-Quincy, speaking from the microphone and backed by a phalanx of recovering drug addicts. He described the proposed legislation …
Read more on Wicked Local
Marijuana is too risky for legalization
Filed under: marijuana addiction help
Drug Addiction?
Question by Just Wondering: Drug Addiction?
I am taking a class on Social Problems and we have to do a project on a certain social problem in our society. The topic I chose is drug addiction. I see this as a pretty bad social problem in the united states. I am trying to get some ideas on what causes drug addiction. What makes people want to try drugs. I know a lot of people try drugs out of curiousity or boredom or maybe stress. I don’t know because I do not use drugs. Anyways, any ideas or suggestions or anything please feel free.
Getting Help for Addiction
Getting Help For Addiction – KATU-TV in Portland, Oregon, interviews Dr. Vern Williams, medical director of Hazelden in Newberg, Oregon, in light of Charlie Sheen’s ’20/20′ interview regarding treatment for addiction. Williams explains how to get help and/or seek treatment, and why Sheen discredited treatment for addiction. For more information about Hazelden, please visit or call 800-257-7810.
Afghan addicts help run daring new restaurant in Kabul
Filed under: drug addiction help oregon
Narconon Drug-Free Withdrawal in Mexican Drug Rehabs
Narconon Drug-Free Withdrawal in Mexican Drug Rehabs – The Narconon First Step drug-free withdrawal in drug rehab centers in Mexico. President of Narconon International, Clark Carr, giving a series of workshops in several drug rehabilitation facilities in Mazatlan and Culiacan.
Judge to newspaper heiress: 'I suspect everyone here is rooting for you'
Filed under: free drug rehab
Co-defense lawyer Brooks G. McArthur said before the court hearing that the proposed drug rehab plan would be spelled out in open court, but neither he nor co-defense lawyer David Williams said much about the proposed program or where it was located …
Read more on vt.Buzz (blog)
What Is the Best Definition Between Addiction and Dependence Upon a Drug?
Question by Butterfly queen: What is the best definition between addiction and dependence upon a drug?
Best answer:
Answer by caligirl
They go hand in hand. An addiction is a dependence on something.
What do you think? Answer below!