drug overdoses

Utah Drug Rehab – Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center


Utah Drug Rehab – Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center – Utah’s Private Drug & Alcohol Rehab Center. 24 hr Toll Free Helpline 1-866-569-7071


'Take Back' events taking over Utah County

Filed under: drug addiction help utah

In Utah County, substance abuse costs residents about $ 800 million dollars annually. More Utahns die from prescription drug overdoses each year than from car crashes. But some good news came Monday, when the National Survey on Drug Use and Health …
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Does Anyone Know of a Free Drug Addiction in Patient Type Program for a Cocaine Additct?

Question by PK48: Does anyone know of a free drug addiction in patient type program for a cocaine additct?
This person lives in Columbus, Ohio and been trying to get help for several months. Person lost job has no money or insurance and is becoming very depressed. Please help… can find only out patient counseling which is not working.

Best answer:

Answer by alone1with3
Try calling Transitions in Cincinnati, Ohio. They should be able to tell you exactly where they can get help.

Give your answer to this question below!


Cabell County Receives Federal Funding to Fight Juvenile Drug Abuse

Does Anybody Have Any Drug Abuse Statistics About Jamaica?

Question by Adam B: Does anybody have any drug abuse statistics about Jamaica?
I am writing up a study for my class about different cultures between my home in the UK and Jamaica, and whilst it has been relatively easy to find information closer to home, I can not find one single statistic for Jamaica that relates to drug ABUSE. I know about the attitudes of Jamaicans towards drugs but I don’t have any official or non official statistics about it
any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!

Best answer:

Answer by The Marines

Drug Abuse Indiana: What Is Drugged Driving

In the last 20 or so years, there has been a significant effort put forth to curb drunk driving and to recognize the problems it causes. Despite the in-roads made into reducing that problem, as evidenced by the decrease in drunk driving accidents, drugged driving is also a significant problem that needs to be addressed. Drugged driving involves some of the same significant dangers as drunk driving.

Is There Legal Help in Indiana for a Single Mom Involved in a Custody Case?

Question by star22: Is there legal help in Indiana for a single mom involved in a custody case?
I am a single mother of a small child, and am facing lenghty custody battle. I work at home, as I very much want to be with my child and have a chance to raise her, but this has put me on a limited income where there is not extra room in the budget for legal fees.

Are there any orginizations out there that will help with free or reduced attorney fees?