drug rehab centers

Why Won’t Government Spend More Money on Drug Treatment Programs?

Question by waltonluke63: why won’t government spend more money on drug treatment programs?
like more detox centers for alcoholics, yet will spend billions on useless war in iraq?don’t they realize making investement in human life will increase!!? productivity in nation, saving billions in all industries, including medical and judicial system?

Best answer:

Answer by Cecilia M
Why should so many more tax dollars go toward folks who make the conscious decision to start drinking and/or doing drugs? Addicts should be held accountable for their own choices…and not saddle the govt with their problems any more than they already have.

Looking for Drug Abuse Rehab Facilities in Oklahoma 1-855-602-5102


Looking For Drug Abuse Rehab Facilities In Oklahoma 1-855-602-5102 – Call 1-855-602-5102 for Local Oklahoma Drug Rehab Centers and Nation Wide Clinics http://yourdrugabusehotline.com/need-drug-abuse-rehab-centers-in-oklahoma/ …


Drug Rehab Centers in Florida | Florida Drug Rehab | Drug Rehab Centers in Florida | Drug


Drug Rehab Centers In Florida | Florida Drug Rehab | Drug Rehab Centers In Florida | Drug – Drug Rehab Centers In Florida | Florida Drug Rehab | Drug Rehab Centers In Florida | Drug Rehab nj ,Drug Rehab Centers In Florida,Florida Drug Rehab,Drug Reh…


Drug Rehab Center in Hawaii?

Question by : drug rehab center in Hawaii?
can anyone help me find a drug detox in Hawaii that takes med quest insurance?? i know there are some,just not sure what there called. anything would help. thanks!!!

Best answer:

Answer by askforadvice2009
(DASH)/Methadone Maintenance Drug Addiction Services of Hawaii Inc

Substance abuse treatment, detoxification and methadone maintenance and detox – outpatient programs for adolescents, persons with co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, pregnant/postpartum women, women and men

Contact Email: [email protected]

Address: 1130 North Nimitz Highway
Suite C-302

Phone: (808) 538-0704

Website: http://www.geocities.com/dash_hawaii

What Are the Names of Rehabs for Drug Users in Gainesville Fla?

Question by elleemaebingo: what are the names of rehabs for drug users in gainesville fla?
i would like to have there phone # and address

Best answer:

Answer by rmrankin50
You can go online and look up every rehab center in Gainesville, Florida. Just type the following address in your address bar at the top of your screen and it will give you the info you seek. That address is www.drug-rehab-center-hotline.com/gainesville-florida-drug-rehab. This gives you an opportunity to look at multiple centers and gather lots of information, including contact numbers. You can also use your Yahoo search.

Drug Rehab Centers Allentown | Intervention Centers in Allentown PA | Detox Centers Allentown


Drug Rehab Centers Allentown | Intervention Centers in Allentown PA | Detox Centers Allentown – http://www.rehabsinpa.com/drug-rehab-centers-allentown/ Intervention in Allentown is a great way to start helping them into recovery. Address : 3440 Lehigh S…


Project lifts those torn by addiction

Filed under: drug treatment centers in pennsylvania

She was inspired by another mother who lost her son to a heroin addiction. Tracy Lawrence-Felton, of Hanover, Pa., is giving bags filled with similar gifts to a center in York, Pa. this year. “A lot of times, an addict will go into treatment or detox …
Read more on Frederick News Post (subscription)