Drug Testing

Helping Your Child’s Drug Addiction, Drug Testing


Helping your Child’s Drug Addiction, Drug Testing – Jon Daily, LCSW, CADC II from Recovery Happens Counseling receives The Harold Cole Award. Parenting teen, adolescent and young adult drug addictions, substance abuse, drug addiction treatment and awareness for parents. Parents can buy drug testing supplies, and view parenting webinars at www.recoveryhappens.com


Reel Recovery film fest brings hope into focus

Filed under: drug addiction help online

The Anonymous People is an uncompleted documentary about drug and alcohol addiction, but director Greg Williams put a decidedly different slant on the film. "It's a story about addiction that you have never heard before," he says in an online preview.
Read more on North Shore News

Indiana Pre-Employment Drug Screening Question?

Question by Kendra: Indiana Pre-employment Drug Screening Question?
I was wondering what kind of drug testing they do for a job at a state forestry, like do they test a sample of your hair or urine or what for a drug test? Bc I have personal reasons why I don’t want to a urine test…Does anyone have any epeirence or knowledge of what test they would use on me?

Best answer:

Answer by myke_cyndy
if the employment Business requires you to take a drug test you have to take it n if you have a medical reason why you don’t need to be drug tested you have to have a cert.sign doctor medical report

Drug Addiction Help in Michigan: The Most Effective Way to Treat Drug Addiction

William Benitez was one man who struggled for years with the emotional distress as a result of an addiction to heroin. He went to see doctors who tried to treat the symptoms his addiction, further diagnosing him and providing no real solution to his substance abuse problem. Under the care of doctors and psychiatrists, he never got better. As a result he ended up continuing to use drugs, eventually got arrested, and was looking at serving a lengthy sentence in Arizona State Penitentiary.

How Can I Get Help With a Family With Drug Addiction and Mental Illness Combined Thats in Denial?

Question by Daphne W: How can I get help with a family with drug addiction and mental illness combined thats in denial?
I’ve been using some form of drug all my life. I’ve always wanted to stop, but I’ve been scared of facing reality alone. No one around me was making a move to get out that life so I waited and still used. During this time, I have neglected giving my full self to my children, neglected important activities and neglected myself.
It’s been 5 years and me and my boyfriend have been battling drug addiction together and mental illness. I got so depressed that I was searching for help in the T.V. and newspaper. I became delusional and wanted help so bad that I convinced myself that someone out there in the world had been hearing my cry for help. As I got weaker, fighting my addiction and mental illness, I then thought someone was coming to kill me. After my stay at the hospital my mind got stronger. I’ve used since then. I’ve left my boyfriend. I made a move on helping my family, but my partner is in denial. He resents me for making a stand. I Love him and can’t help him. I stay depressed.

Drug Rehabilitation Centers: 9 Questions You Need to Ask When Selecting a Drug Rehabilitation Center for Your Kid

With the increasing work load and frustration, more and more teens are becoming drug addicted. To ease their tension and to combat with their loneliness many teen aged people are choosing this path. They are unaware that it will lead them to doom. Parents get less time for their children. They hardly get any time to share their child’s pain and happiness. As a result young people are becoming lonely.

Would Legalizing Marijuana Increase Consumption?