The Male Inmate Perspective on Substance Abuse Treatment in Jail
The Male Inmate Perspective on Substance Abuse Treatment in Jail – As a senior research project at the University of Wisconsin-Stout; advised by Dr. Susan Wolfgram, my partner and I examined The Male Inmate Perspective on Su…
Try drug treatment, not prison
Filed under: drug abuse treatments
Strickland is one of the first graduates of Drug Treatment Court, a pilot project started in February 2009 under two grants by the Bureau of Justice Assistance and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. When Strickland was …
Read more on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Naltrexone Implant or Naltrexone Pellet Is Cost-Effective Medication in Drug Addiction Treatment
Naltrexone implant or Naltrexone pellet is cost-effective medication in drug addiction treatment – A client from The Netherlands about his 2nd Naltrexone implant for 3 months. Naltrexone implants…
Leading Online Addiction Treatment Provider, Lionrock Recovery, Announces Its …
Filed under: drug addiction treatments
Leading online addiction treatment program, Lionrock Recovery, provides addiction treatment by secure online video conference and mobile Internet application to break down barriers that often stop people struggling with drugs and alcohol from getting …
Read more on PR Web (press release)
What Do You Think Is the Suicide Rate of Our Veterans Per Day?
Question by James: What do you think is the suicide rate of our veterans per day?
From the anti war . com website it is revealed it is 18 per day or 6,720 per year and so today we lost 12 to a killing spree while 18 others took their lives from PTSD, HOMELESSNESS and DRUG ABUSE due to the horrors of war. So, should we get out of war completely? Is this the answer we wanted for 911? Your thoughts?
Best answer:
Answer by Liberal AssKicker
No one knows.
What do you think? Answer below!
WTVF 2011-06-10 6PM Prescription Drug
WTVF 2011-06-10 6PM Prescription Drug – Cumberland Height’s, Dr. Chapman Sledge.
Prescription drug t-shirts cause controversy
Filed under: prescription drug addiction
New t-shirts glorifying prescription drug abuse are causing major friction among activists and parents. SHARE 30 CONNECT 4 TWEETCOMMENTEMAILMORE. CLEVELAND — It is an epidemic: One in four teens has abused a prescription drug at least once …
Read more on WKYC-TV
Hearing on heroin, prescription drug use today
Filed under: prescription drug addiction
Statistics of How Many Have a Drug Addictions in America?
Question by : statistics of how many have a drug addictions in america?
statistics of how many have a drug addictions in america ?
Best answer:
How Can I Help My Boyfriend Stop Doing Drugs?
Question by Just Wondering: How can I help my boyfriend stop doing drugs?
My boyfriend likes smoking weed and also does coke at times and I don’t remember what else.
He says he wants to stop, he asked for my help and I’m not sure how to help him.
He hasn’t done any drugs in about a month, because something is coming up.
He’s pretty much addicted, though. He gets tempted fast and his friends or the people he talks with aren’t much of a help. They always ask him if he wants to smoke.
Soooo, my question is.. How can I help him stop?
I really care about him, and I don’t want anything bad to happen to him.