AG Zoeller & Legislators Support Bill for Safe Disposal of Prescription Drugs
AG Zoeller & Legislators support bill for safe disposal of prescription drugs – Because of the crisis Indiana faces in the abuse and misuse of prescription drugs, Attorney General Greg Zoeller and state lawmakers and regulators today announced a legislative proposal that would make it easier for Hoosiers to safely discard their unneeded or expired prescription drugs.
Police: Hackman knew homeless man he slapped in NM
Filed under: Indianapolis Drug Abuse
Suspected Prostitution & Drug Abuse – EMSCP – Columbus, OH
Suspected Prostitution & Drug Abuse – EMSCP – Columbus, OH – This video contains clips of individuals potentially engaging in discouraged activities along East Main Street on Columbus, Ohio’s Near East Side. Video was obtained from the East Main Street Camera Program’s network of six cameras.
Teens Increasingly Abuse Prescription Painkillers
Filed under: Indiana Drug Abuse
Today's teens and young people are abusing prescription painkillers more than any other age group or any other youth in history. Availability of these drugs from their parents' medicine cabinets may be to blame, according to new research in the Journal …
Read more on Health Behavior News Service
Prescription Drug Abuse Victims
Prescription Drug Abuse Victims – A video of young adults who died because of Prescription Drugs. Made this for a class. All pictures taken from The Partnership For a Drug Free America.
DEA hosts Prescription Drug Take-Back Day
Filed under: drug abuse pictures
… Administration is collecting leftover prescription drugs Saturday during its Drug Take-Back event. Photo: Paul J. Richards/AFP/Getty Images … This is the fifth National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day. Marilyn MacDougal, Executive Director of …
Read more on 89.3 KPCC
Drug Use Indiana: Understanding Indiana Gun Laws
There is not a lot on the books for Indiana gun laws. Basically, it is legal to sell or buy, if you are above the age of 18 and have never been convicted of a felony. This applies to rifles and handguns, however, it is illegal for anyone outside of those with federal licensing to sell, buy or own an automatic weapon.
Gun regulations in Indiana are not strict, but they are enforced. It is illegal to sell to a minor under the age of 18. While carrying a rifle or shotgun is legal; to conceal or carry a handgun without a permit is illegal. There are specific and stringent rules for concealing and carrying handguns. Permits and licensing are difficult to get outside of those in law enforcement.
Hawk Walk 2010 Promo (Comments From 2009)
Hawk Walk 2010 Promo (Comments from 2009) – Join The 24 Group for this year’s Hawk Walk! The 24 group is a non-profit organization that educates the public about the effects of substance abuse on families based on first hand experience. We provide information and support to families, professionals and the community. Through its fundraising events, The 24 Group awards grants to Indiana non-profit organizations that facilitate recovery from the disease of addiction. Visit for more information.
J&J, Bayer fail to win U.S. OK for expanded Xarelto use
Filed under: Indianapolis Drug Abuse