Can Anyone Suggest Free Online Meditation for Sex Addiction?
Question by live2travel: Can anyone suggest free online Meditation for Sex Addiction?
Meditation works well for me, I use it everyday. I am a sex addict
and I want to stop the behavior. I want to find a free online Meditation
for sexual addiction, So I can download it.
Best answer:
Answer by madscientist34
there is a good website that can help:
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Why you should avoid pornography at all costsPublish Date: Dec 13, 2012
Filed under: free online pornography addiction help
What Are Some Kinds of Illegal Texts?
Question by Larry Stylinson: What are some kinds of illegal texts?
Let me explain.
We had something called DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) and they tell us not to use drugs, abuse alcohol that stuff. Our last day of DARE was a couple of days ago and the officer was telling us about how cyberbullying is wrong, and when some people commit suicide from lets say, nasty text messages, some of it can be used against the bully because some of it was illegal.
Now my question, what kinds of texts are illegal?
Best answer:
Edutopia Webinar – Social and Emotional Learning: Making a Case in an NCLB World
Edutopia Webinar – Social and Emotional Learning: Making a Case in an NCLB World – In this session, two pioneering educators and a national education leader explain why social and emotional skills deserve time and attention — SEL has been shown to raise test scores — and how they provide it effectively in their schools. You can read more about this topic and view more webinars on our website: Presenters: Tim Shriver, Chairman of the CASEL Board of Directors, Sheldon Berman, superintendent, Jefferson County Public Schools, Louisville, Kentucky, and Kati Delahanty, English teacher, Charlestown High School, Boston Date: February 25, 2010
How to Use Air Dusters?
Question by Tonya W: How to use Air dusters?
I am doing a paper at school on how are duster and i didn’t know how you actually got High with it. How do you do it?
Best answer:
Answer by Robert W
Read this article on the dangers of ‘dusting’.
Inhalant abuse has been on the rise nationwide, and more teens are experiencing the tragic effects of this cheap high. NBC News correspondent Peter Alexander reports on how a common household product, a computer cleaner, can result in a deadly high.
What Is the Deaconess Hospital Drug Rehab in Oklahoma City Like? Good? Bad? How Long Are Their Programs?
Question by : What is the Deaconess Hospital Drug Rehab in Oklahoma City like? Good? Bad? How long are their programs?
A friend of mine just entered rehab there and I was wondering what the general rules were…phone calls allowed? And if the rehab actually produces good results.
How long are people in for typically?
Best answer:
Answer by marcum
my brother went through it a few years ago … it didn’t do him any good but thats just because he doesn’t try or care. but it seemed like a good place to me. he told me they don’t let you sleep during the day but i don’t really believe anything he says. you can have visitors but i don’t think they let you make phone calls.
What Do You Think of This?
Question by dtay: what do you think of this?
Would you be willing to give me your thoughts about my idea for crime prevention, I think it could end all disputes between those in favor of guns and those against and you actually respond to people with helpful advice. Thanks in advance d.tay phila,pa
I would like this to be thought about with an open mind and feeling of urgentcy that you could’nt feel unless you live in this enviorment and are facing life and death on a regular basis.
From: Dondae R. Taylor
Re: Crime prevention and drug addiction deterent