Boomer Addiction
Boomer Addiction – Substance abuse among the boomer generation is increasing at an alarming rate. Our show “Boomer Addiction” is a revealing look at addiction issues facing ind…
Twinsburg Police Department recognized for prescription drug abuse prevention …
Filed under: drug abuse help for families
Published: July 24, 2013 4:10PM. Twinsburg — The Twinsburg Police Department was recently recognized for its role in helping local residents prevent prescription drug abuse in their homes. … for people abusing prescription drugs. "The goal of this …
Read more on Twinsburg Bulletin
What Is the Law That Criminalized Marijuana?
Question by AA: What is the law that criminalized marijuana?
I now its the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970, but what is the actual law number? How can I find the actual text of the bill on a governmental site?
Ok so I just found the actual text. But can anyone direct me to where I may find the legislative history?
Best answer:
Answer by Luke
No marijuana was actually banned in the 1920 along with alcohol they just never lifted it when they lifted the ban on alcohol and then didn’t try to enforce it until the 60’s.
Teens Addicted to Prescription Drugs
Teens Addicted to Prescription Drugs – In this clip from the Hazelden video “Prescription Drug Abuse: A Prevention Video,” teens discuss their addictions to prescription drugs and over-the-counter…
Drug report raises controversy over doctor's prescriptions
Filed under: prescription drug abuse
In fact, he said, Zeid had patients sign a contract acknowledging that they were subject to random urine screenings to ensure they were not abusing prescriptions or other drugs. "He complies with all the laws. He's never been cited by the medical board …
Teenage Heroin Epidemic
Teenage Heroin Epidemic – Swansea Love Story: An award-winning look at a generation lost to heroin, as told through the tragic love story of Amy and Cornelius. In 2009, Swansea drug a…
Police double down on efforts to investigate pharmacy robberies
Filed under: drug abuse articles
At a ceremony at the United States Attorney's office in Portland Thursday afternoon, 18 police officers were sworn in as deputy federal agents to assist in investigating pharmacy robberies and prescription drug abuse. According to the U.S. Attorney's …
Read more on WLBZ-TV
Alcohol Rehab Centers in Oklahoma | Substance Abuse Treatment Center in Oklahoma
Alcohol Rehab Centers in Oklahoma | Substance Abuse Treatment Center in Oklahoma – Alcohol Rehab Centers in Oklahoma addresses drug, alcohol, and pharmaceuticals addiction in Oklahoma by utilizing detox, th…
Breaking substance abuse cycle: SLU studies parenting program for young …
Filed under: drug abuse help centers for pregnant women
The Family EMPOWERment Project is located at Queen of Peace Center, which is a family-centered behavioral health care provider for women with addiction, their children and families. The project will build and assess a new approach for delivering …
Read more on EurekAlert (press release)
Tramadol Addiction and Tramadol Abuse
Tramadol Addiction and Tramadol Abuse – Tramadol addiction & Tramadol abuse – call our substance abuse and addiction recovery hotline 800-839-1682 to speak with …
“You can give up or you can rise up and tell everyone to eat a dick” – DiS …
Filed under: drug addiction help line
Giant Drag should've had a bright future, but as Annie reveals in the enveloping years her life took a helter skelter turn for the worse as she became consumed with drug addiction that resulted in three trips to rehab and packing up and shacking up …
Read more on Drowned In Sound