prescription drug abuse

What woI Need a Good Title for My Research Paper About Prescription Drug Abuse. Any Help?Uld You Like to Ask?

Question by billy bob: What woI need a good title for my research paper about Prescription Drug abuse. any help?uld you like to ask?
I have a research paper due tomarrow and i am having problems finding a good title for my paper and need some help. the topic is about Prescription Drug Abuse and i can’t use that as my title.

Best answer:

Answer by Unknown
I would title it something like:
“Driven to stealing” or “Addicted to stealing” or “A Pharmacist’s nightmare” or “Willing to hold up a pharmacy”

Teenage Alcoholism and Drug Treatment for Parents


Teenage Alcoholism and Drug Treatment for Parents – Christy Alten-Osmera, Director Adolescent Unit, talks to parents about what to expect in the first week of their child’s treatment.


Calendar for Wednesday

Filed under: drug abuse help for parents

Tai Chi (yang style) helps relieve stress, increase strength and flexibility, improve balance, coordination and circulation. Open to anyone. 739-3165. Yoga for seniors, 10 to 11 a.m. Our Savior … Good for child care workers, parents, or anyone …
Read more on Bryan-College Station Eagle


Addiction Treatment Approach Explained by Pax Prentiss CEO of Passages Rehab Centers


Addiction Treatment Approach Explained by Pax Prentiss CEO of Passages Rehab Centers – Pax Prentiss, CEO and co-founder of Passages Malibu and Passages Ventura, explains the drug and alcohol treatment center’s non-12 Step holistic approach. “Th…


Wrongful Death Suit Brings Attention to Prescription Pain Medication Use in

Filed under: promises malibu alcohol and drug rehab treatment facility

”Professional athletes compete at a level where they need to be aware of the dangers they face for the sake of their health and career,” said Pax Prentiss, CEO of Passages Addiction Treatment Center. “Addiction to Prescription medication has steadily …
Read more on PR Web (press release)

Collegiate Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Resources


Collegiate Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Resources – This video will highlight dangers of prescription drug abuse, and how to fight the epidemic in your community and information regarding prevention resources….


Reinforcing the Family Role to Prevent Drug Abuse in Mexico

Filed under: drug abuse prevention

UNODC Representative in Mexico Antonio Mazzitelli said the initiative has identified new areas of activity, such as a the creation of a drug abuse terminology guide and the development of new criteria for prevention activities. "The synergy reveals …

Any Ideas for a Title for a College Research Paper?

Question by M R: Any ideas for a title for a college research paper?
I am researching the effects of prescription drug abuse on pain management programs in the United States. The possible conclusion to my paper indicates that the stigma of drug addiction prevents chronic pain patients from utilizing proper resources (like a controlled program, other treatment options) thus putting them at risk for developing an addiction (whether it is alcohol/analgesic/narcotic dependency). I need to conduct more research but I need to submit a paper proposal…. and I need a title! Suggestions would be appreciated.

Best answer:

Good Drugs Gone Bad: Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention


Good Drugs Gone Bad: Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention – According to the most recent risk behavior study in Wisconsin, one in five kids have admitted to abusing prescription drugs to get high.


Township resident to sing in drug prevention concert May 23 at NJPAC

Filed under: drug abuse prevention

"More importantly young people from across the country — hailing from 49 states and 44 countries across the globe received substance abuse prevention messages as a result of the voting." "It was only three years ago that the program's website launched …