What Is a Sad Song About Losing Someone to Drug Addiction?
Question by kaitlin M: What is a sad song about losing someone to drug addiction?
specifically a teenager,
and prescription drug abuse.
also, does anyone know any, or where i could find any, sad stories about a friend providing pills to a friend that ended up killing them?
Best answer:
Answer by Casio
anyway google suicide by pills, friends, overdose, oxycontin, what the hell are you doing asking innocent yahoo folks
sad song-lithium NIrvana
sad song- try cannibal corpse on google they have plenty
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Why Is There Such a Divide in Opinion Over Single Mothers?
Question by georgebonbon: Why is there such a divide in opinion over single mothers?
With one opinion that they are noble in bringing up their children without assistance.
On the other hand the opposite opinion of seeing them as the cause of bringing up the majority of violent, criminal, drug abusing, promiscious teenagers.
Is there a middle ground? Or is there just a wide range of outcomes from single motherhood
Best answer:
Answer by Princess!!
It’s got nothing to do with being single, it’s about the person, their views and how god they are at being a parent. Happy families and bad families come in al different shapes and sizes.
What Prescription Drug Is Effective in Treatment of Meth Withdrawal?
Question by badjimmysf: What prescription drug is effective in treatment of Meth withdrawal?
My friend is terrified to attempt detox after years of snorting abuse. What prescription drug has helped experienced users preferably people who have snorted for years?
Best answer:
Answer by Sawyer
Seriously, take whey protein before, during & after withdrawal. There are certain amino acids that help the brain reduce cravings & lessen withdrawal symptoms. I’m not joking.
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Prescription Drug Addiction – Visit http://www.therecoveryvillage.com/ or call (877) 798-6220 for more information Approximately 10-15% of people in Florida have chronic pain. Many now ha…
David Essel “Hoops for Homeless Veterans” Fundraiser for SWFAS
David Essel “Hoops for Homeless Veterans” fundraiser for SWFAS – Addiction Recovery Coach David Essel teams up with Southwest Florida Addiction Services (SWFAS.org) for this fundraiser to benefit homeless veterans in the c…
Beyond a day for veterans
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As taxpayers we have chosen to support our veterans with state assisted medical care, tuition assistance, help purchasing a home, employment, and retraining opportunities. These are all good endeavors, but they fall short … First, the state budget …
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What Is the Best Way to Get Off Opioid Drugs?
Question by fran g: What is the best way to get off opioid drugs?
I have a relative who after 15 years of drug addiction is still unable to kick the habit. He began by using heroin, then got into methadone treatment, then into methadose treatment and is currently taking anti-anxiety medication.
Best answer:
Answer by Doc
You should ask a doctor, we are ordinary people. So… methadone maintenance, a little morphine, to narcotics, then taper off, then none.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
PBS NewsHour Excerpt: Prescription Drug Abuse Aired 5-3-13
PBS NewsHour Excerpt: Prescription Drug Abuse aired 5-3-13 – In this excerpt from the PBS NewsHour, correspondent Betty Ann Bowser looks at what Oklahoma is doing to battle prescription drug abuse, and the addiction th…
Improvements suggested for Montana Prescription Drug Registry
Filed under: drug abuse
HELENA – Prescription drug abuse is a problem that's getting worse across the nation. Last week, a legislative panel heard from doctors, pharmacists, and law enforcement officials about ways to improve one of the tools in the war against the abuse of …
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