prescription drug

Help in NW Indiana for Son Who’s Depressed and Self Medicates?

Question by dede: Help in NW Indiana for son who’s depressed and self medicates?
Is there any other place in NW IN that has a good dual diagnosis program? He has been clean for four months but is depressed and ready to relaspe.(cocaine and/or heroin was what he used to self medicate.)Has low self-esteem, doesn’t care about anything,carries alot of guilt, and shame for things he’s done to self medicate. Newlywed since May/wonderful girl, new father to a baby girl/October and has a really good job that he likes in sales. Everything to be greatful 4-she/we(family) have alot of trust issues with him as he used to take his checks from previous jobs and go on binges or steal from us. His father is an alcoholic/drug addict. I divorced him when he was 9. He has a loving a and supportive family and a step father that has been there 4 him 4 9 yrs. My son is 25. Has been through alot of jobs until he found this one. Haven’t been able to find a doctor to treat his depression, they always address the substance abuse and not the depression. Need help.

How Do You Curb a Shopping Addiction?

Question by jessa.cline: How do you curb a shopping addiction?
I have a shopping addiction. I shop when I’m mad, sad, happy, whatever. I often buy things I don’t need, and never wear them. A year later they are still in my closet with the tags still on them. I get a rush when I shop and it makes me happy- but when I get home I feel guilty about the money wasted and wish I hadn’t done it.

Best answer:

Answer by elronhubbabubba
The best method is to replace it with another, more potent addiction.

LCAT: Teen Drug Use


LCAT: Teen Drug Use – A video brought to you by the LaFollette Community Action Team. This video revolves around the topic of teen drug use and how it affects family and friends. …


Video: De Blasio's Daughter Chiara Reveals History Of Substance Abuse

Filed under: teen drug abuse

The teen went to out-patient treatment in New York City. "If you're depressed or dealing with mental illness and you think that may have something to do with your drug abuse or drinking—or if you're just suffering from both of those at the same time …
Read more on Gothamist

Is There Any Way to Detect What a Homeless Person/bum Is Actually Begging For?

Question by Christopher: Is there any way to detect what a homeless person/bum is actually begging for?
Are there any tall tale signs that give away a bum with a drug addiction v (for example) a war veteran with mental problems? I live in a very populated area with many homeless people begging (on my way to class). I feel bad and usually try to help them out but I don’t want to support something I don’t agree with. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by Meddy
I gave a homeless guy an application to Mcdonalds one time :/

Battling Prescription Drug Abuse


Battling prescription drug abuse – The latest war on drugs isn’t being fought on dark street corners and in back alleys … millions of Americans are getting their fixes from neighborhood ph…


Tech sets out to help the homeless

Filed under: online drug abuse help

It doesn't operate as a nonprofit, nor does it provide shelter, accept donated blankets or foodstuffs for those in need, or connect people directly with mental health services or substance abuse counseling. Instead, in accordance with a Silicon Valley …
Read more on San Francisco Bay Guardian

How Specific Is a Urine and Blood Drug Test?

Question by bzas1girl: How specific is a urine and blood drug test?
If you are taking oxycodone is that all it will show or will it show the specific drug like oxycontin,roxycodone,percocet or vicodin? Any info is appreciated. Thanks in advance for the help!

Best answer:

Answer by peanut
Yes, it show as an opiate.

Give your answer to this question below!



Study for the Test – This video can also be viewed at: PEERx Campaign Website – View text-only transcripts of the Big Test Tomorrow video series:…