ADHD Prescription Drug Abuse: Teens!
ADHD Prescription Drug Abuse: Teens! – ADHD Prescription Drug Abuse: Teens! Ashley, a College student is interviewed by Dr. Charles Shinaver about prescription drug abuse at college. Is Adderall A…
Attention Getter for Teen Drug Abuse?
Question by Adrienne: Attention getter for teen drug abuse?
Doing a speech on Teen Drug Abuse need an attention getter for the class and can not come up with one. My thesis is the types, effects, and preventions.
Best answer:
Answer by DMTrippin
teen drug abuse has been on the rise over the past decade because drugs are awesome
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Cracking Down on Prescription Drug Abuse –
Dealing With a Family Members Addiction to Ambien PLease Help?
Question by smaceroni: Dealing with a family members addiction to Ambien PLease help?
OK my sister has been addicted to Ambien for about 4 years now. She has through detox and rehab twice and hasnt gotten better. She is still very much addicted and supoosed to be going into another detox/rehab. She has been supposed to go nor for 2 weeks but everyday comes up with new excuse or chickens out. I have been supportive or encouraging but now its getting hard for me to be that way cause it hard for me to believe that she is actually going to go. She gets mad when I try to give her “tough love”. She gets mad that my parents and I never went to some type of counseling to learn about her problem. She says that since I have never been addicted I dont know what its like. I understand that, but it doesnt take a rocket scientist to know that its going to be pure hell to go through detox and rehab and stay clean. I just dont know what to do or say to her anymore. Has anyone been in this situation? What should I say or do? She is 34 and Im 26
ADHD Prescription Drug Abuse @ College-So What?
ADHD Prescription Drug Abuse @ College-so what? – Teen Drug Abuse, or more specifically prescription drug abuse continues to rise. ADHD students in High School and College are selling or giving prescription …
What Can Be Done About Prescription Drug Abuse in America?
Question by sticking to faith: what can be done about prescription drug abuse in america?
just a broad question to get various answers please dont be rude or crude
Best answer:
Answer by ajtheactress
One thing that I think would have a huge impact is if prescription drug companies where no longer allowed to advertise their products in magazines and newspapers. People see an ad and think “oh, maybe I need that drug!” and hound their doctor into giving it to them. Advertising makes people think that using a drug or product is normal and desirable which is something that directly leads to prescription drug abuse.
California Drug & Alcohol Treatment Centers | Drug Rehab CA
California Drug & Alcohol Treatment Centers | Drug Rehab CA – SouthCoast Recovery Announces a Prescription Drug Rehab Program – SouthCoast Recovery is proud to introduce an exceptionally effective treatment program for …