What Happens at a Drug Treatment Facility?

Question by wonderwoman: What happens at a drug treatment facility?
Someone I know just entered a New York State run drug rehabilitation facility. What happens while he is there? Will I be able to visit? When will he leave? If anyone is willing to share a personal experience I would greatly appreciate it.

Best answer:

Answer by cowboydoc
Call the clinic and ask them, not us. They probably have there own standards they meet and the patients have to meet them. Not all clinics have the same goals or the way they reach them, what is of concern to them. Call them.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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2013 – The Health Law Year In Review

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While a great deal of attention was focused on the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, 2013 also included a number of significant developments in other areas, including information privacy and security, antitrust, fraud and abuse, and drug …
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