What Is the Usual Punishment for 2 Class D Felony Charges of Check Fraud in Indiana?
Question by Skye: What is the usual punishment for 2 Class D felony charges of check fraud in Indiana?
He’s 30 and this is his first felony. He is a drug addict but he was not arrested for drugs. Could they possibly make him get treatment though as part of his punishment even though it wasn’t a drug crime. How much jail could he get and how much will he probably get? Also, he has to get a public defender.
Best answer:
A class D felony is punishable up to 3 years in prison so 2 charges could net up to 6 years, the minimum is 6 months in jail so your friend is probably looking at 1 year in jail or more, there are circumstances that would qualify him for a suspended sentence but with two charges it is unlikely, as far as the drug rehab it is doubtful since there are not any drug related charges involved.~
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