Why Is It That City Judges Are Picked Based on Their Popularity With Their Political Party and Popularity With?
Question by : Why is it that city Judges are picked based on their popularity with their political party and popularity with?
Why is it that city Judges are picked based on their popularity with their political party and popularity with voters not their merit?
For example in Indianapolis the presiding judge over the Drug treatment court has no experience a prosecuting attorney or defense attorney for any drug court. Logically is it not best to have the most competent experienced individuals preside over a court?
Best answer:
Answer by Patrick4024
That is how politics works. Scratch my back and I will scratch yours. Many times the greater good is secondary.
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Experimental drug may be helping brain-injury patients
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As Indiana University Health Methodist Hospital neurosurgeons operated on Andrea Vellinga, hospital staff asked Voss and Andrea's husband whether they wanted to enroll Vellinga in the experimental use of a drug to treat traumatic brain injury.
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Sales of the nation's two most popular prescription painkillers have exploded in new parts of the country, an Associated Press analysis shows, worrying experts who say the push to relieve patients' suffering is spawning an addiction epidemic.
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